Saturday, May 16, 2009


I often go visit my husband at work. On the way to or from somewhere, I just want to see his face or get a hug. I never stay long and everyone is always nice and glad to see me walk through the store. Today, I decided at the last minute that I would pretend I needed him to come home. I didn't think anyone was going to take me seriously, as it is a Saturday and no Manager can leave on a Saturday w/out messing up the whole day. So, I walk up to Ed's co-Manager and explain that I need Ed to come home and help me with the laundry, dishes etc., and that I'm going to take him home now. The co-Manager knows I'm joking and he smiles. The lady next to him, a sales consultant, looks over to me and says, "Ok, we can work this out. How bout we hire someone and I'll pay half and you pay half." I wasn't really listening to her, not knowing she was talking to me. I totally thought she was talking about something else with the co-manager. Ed comes over, gives me a hug and she says to him "Ed please don't leave, are you really leaving?" That's when I realized she was talking to ME about hiring help to clean my house!!! Ha!! That poor woman turned so red, she was so embarrassed. I apologized and explained to her that I would never ask my husband to come home in the middle of a work day to help me CLEAN!! LOL!!! I don't even ask him to come home to go to the Emergency Room, give me some credit, hehe!! Then I realized it was too late to get money to hire someone to help clean my house and now I'm home, avoiding cleaning and writing in my blog and playing on Facebook. If ONLY I had known she thought I was serious....hehehe!


Unknown said...

I want to try that on Richard's boss. I could use some domestic help, lol.

Jennifer King said...

oh man! I need to try that. LOL

Hannah said...

Funny! Paying half sounds pretty good to me!