Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rainy Day for House Hunting

Well, here we are in a hotel in Charleston, SC. We're about to begin the hunt for a new home. I can't believe there is a drought in GA, SC, etc., and today, the one day it'd be nice to not have rain, it is pouring! I will be wearing plastic bags over my tennis shoes to avoid walking in sopping wet shoes all day. We have TWELVE houses on our list to see today. Please pray for us, wish us luck, whatever it is you do, to help us be guided by the highest power to the right home for our family and our budget. Thank you! I'll update as soon as I can! I have the digital camera, paper and pens. Woohoo! Here we go!! :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good luck with your search, Tracee, how fun!