Monday, February 25, 2008

Still Internet-less

Sigh. Well, at least I can feel like a "good" homeschooling Mom, bringing my kids out to the library every single day. LOL. We should be hooked up on Wednesday. I am getting lots of empty boxes stacked up in our garage. The kids are back to a bedtime routine and seem to be really settling in. I think we'll start back to doing some organized school work this week. The dog is getting bored and seems to be missing Ed, as she is digging up our newly placed sod! Ugh. I took her on a long walk this morning, so she should be OK, at least until tomorrow. I went to a Home School meeting last night close to Summerville. We met some nice families from the Family Playtime group and the kids got to play with fellow Pokemon and Harry Potter fanatics. It seems we're on our way to getting our groove back in this beautiful town! The library has lots of access to programs we may be interested in. I'm going to check into a home school book club for Tyler and Philip. This Friday there is a trip to a firestation. I was thinking I wouldn't go because my kids have already been there done that, but guess what? Little Evan has not! So I think we might go after all! It is in the morning though. I guess it may take some time before I find the afternoon group around here! Hehe. Well I'm off to stack up more library books for bed time stories. We miss everyone, come see us anytime!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sounds like you're settling right in! :)