The other day, we were driving home from Lake Lure, NC. The kids were almost asleep in the back of the van. Ed asks them "Hey, do you guys want to go to a State Park tomorrow?" Tyler, (5) says NO! Ed says, "why not?" Tyler says "Why in the world would I want to go to a STANK park!!?" Haha! Another moment of cracking up! As we are so very southern we often will say stank as opposed to stink, especially when referring to our stank dog, Allie. ;)
Yesterday, Friday, was lovely. It's filled with good memories, though I certainly could've been a better companion to my family. We toured the Art Museum, then picnicked outside on a bench. Then we strolled down to the Capitol building, toured it, then painted on the front lawn of the Capitol building. Sounds, wonderful huh? Well, it wasn't the best day to be around me! I complained about our peanut butter sandwich lunch (AGAIN, we are being so incredibly frugal this week, in order to be able to afford the gas money for all of our road tripping!), then I complained about walking the whole 3 blocks from the museum to the Capitol Building, then I complained about having to sit and paint in the hot sun at 4 in the afternoon. Mind you, these weren't constant complaints, but they were quite enough to piss off my wonderfully sweet "tour guide" and husband. Thanks for loving me anyway sweet Husband!
Tomorrow is finally beach day, which I have been put in charge of the plans for since I was so incredibly hard to be around yesterday. We are leaving in the morning, stopping to check out where the new car lot will be (where Ed will be working), stopping again to check out a neighborhood Ed's been looking at on the Internet, then going to the beach for the day. I made chicken salad tonight for tomorrow's sandwiches, since we are all (NOT just me!) so sick of peanut butter.
One more Tyler funny. Last week or so, I found a Star Wars Storm Trooper action figure in the refrigerator. I asked the kids who was responsible for that. I didn't care, no big deal, just wondering who put it in there. Tyler says, "oh, I did, he's guarding my yogurt so nobody else will eat it." Heheh. I love all my kids senses of humor!!! I am so lucky to have them around to keep me laughing!
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