My Fun (NOT) Day
6/15/2000 12:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight
First, I must've slept so hard or something, but Philip fell out of bed early yesterday morning. Then I got diagnosed with poison ivy. That's the last time I show Philip how pretty the "leaves on the trees" are. LOL. Then, I scared Philly to death by trying to reach a baking sheet from way up where Ed keeps things like that, and accidentally bringing down a very heavy ceramic pizza stone with it. It smashed! Then, I watched my friend Paula's boy, Nathan (17 months old). He and Philip were both asleep for the first 15 minutes that she was gone. They both woke 2 minutes apart, Philip first. Nathan screamed and led me around the house looking for his mama for the next 15 minutes. This was a practice run for me watching Nathan when Paula goes to the dentist in a few weeks. Needless to say, I am going to the dentist with her. Talk about attached! I handed him to her when she walked in and proceeded to cry. I have never let/had a baby cry for that long and not been able to do anything to stop it. Then I came home and attempted to make french fries in the oven with the cookie sheet I had gotten down earlier. Most of them burned. I opened the sliding glass window and turned the fan on, but the alarm went off anyways. Poor Philip. Got him calmed down and then shut the window. Had to open the screen to do so and a wasp flew in. Grabbed Philip and ran outside. He fell down running towards some other kids and scraped his toe, both legs and his forehead. Got him calm (AGAIN!) and then he was trying to touch the other kids bikes. I don't want him touching bikes or cars. So I told him don't touch. He touched, so (forgetting about the wasp), I whisked him back in the house. My halogen lamp was smoking! I put Philip back outside (which made him happy, LOL) and turned off all the switches near the lamp and tipped it out the door to see what was up. The wasp had smoked himself to death on the lamp. Then, in the early hours of this morning AF arrived. I hope you laughed a little while reading this, because that was the purpose of posting my hilariously tragic day.
ahhh,,,the good ol' days! LOL
Oh, wow, a blast from the past!
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